Breaking Free from the “Bleh” State: My Hacks to Living More Joyously

An exhausted and an energetic girl working

I’m sure that we’ve all experienced the feeling of getting up on the wrong foot some days. For the longest time, I struggled with oscillations in my mood and overall state of being, and these mood swings would hit roughly every few days. Of course, the roots of this issue went much deeper than the occasional "je ne sais quoi.” Over time, this rollercoaster of emotions led to a sense of urgency to address it, which ascended to the top of my list of priorities in life.

In this post, I’m sharing the tips that help me break out of that “bleh” state of being and live more joyously. Here’s what I’ve learned so far:

Ice, Ice Baby

For the past month, I’ve developed a habit of taking short ice-cold showers in the morning and evening (sometimes even during the day if I need a quick reset). I won’t lie—those first few seconds are a shock to the system, but the benefits are worth it. Not only does it build my mental resilience, but I also feel a surge of energy and a sense of accomplishment after completing this challenge day after day. It’s like a mini-battle won against my comfort zone, which sets the tone for the rest of my day. Plus, the rush of cold water wakes up your body, boosts circulation, and can even help with muscle recovery.

Protect Your Senses

We are bombarded with all sorts of stimuli every day—from social media to news headlines, to everything in between. I’ve found that being mindful of what I consume has a huge impact on my mood. I now limit what I watch, read, or listen to only positive, inspiring, relaxing, or comic content. Protecting my senses from negative or overly stimulating material helps create a more peaceful and balanced inner world. So, I’ve swapped endless social media scrolling for uplifting podcasts and comedy shows. To be completely honest, I do still have days when I fall back into my old habits, but I try to get out of them equally fast. It definitely gets easier over time to control your urges since you’ve already tasted the sweetness of self-control and intentional living. You quickly start feeling awful after slipping back into unproductive habits and it makes you crave getting back on track as fast as possible.

Do the Thing

Ever heard of the bystander effect? It’s when you feel paralyzed by inaction because you see everyone else around you being proactive, and you convince yourself that your efforts don’t matter. This same concept can apply to the nagging feeling you get when you aren’t doing the things that light you up. The chances are you’re feeling down because that passion project, hobby, or activity is calling to you, and you keep letting limiting beliefs and barriers hold you back. Breaking out of the “bleh” zone sometimes just means taking the plunge—doing the thing. Whether it's starting a new hobby, pursuing a passion, or simply tackling that task that’s been on your mind, the key is to just start. Trust me; the energy you get from taking action is unmatched.

Switch Your Fuel

Food is our fuel, and it highly influences how we feel. When I eat greasy fast-food or overeat, all I want to do afterward is lay down and do nothing. It simply lulls me into passivity and makes me feel sluggish. So, I decided to switch up my diet to include more whole, nourishing foods. The result? Not only did I lose weight, but I also feel more energized and ready for action. I feel lighter and more alive. If you want to boost your mood, try switching your fuel. Focus on foods that nourish your body and mind—fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins. Your body will thank you!

When the Body Moves, the Mind Grooves

This is one of my favorites: move your body! Movement is medicine. Whether it’s a quick walk, doing jumping jacks in your living room, or some gentle stretching—just don’t stay stagnant. When your body changes its state, the mind often follows. I’ve noticed that whenever I’m feeling angry, sad, or just out of sorts, moving my body shifts my mental state. Sometimes, it’s as simple as going for a drive or taking a stroll. It’s amazing how the thing that was bugging me before seems to dissipate when I change my environment or move my body. Remember, motion creates emotion.

Fix Your Sleep

Truth be told, this is one area I’m still struggling with — getting my sleep schedule in order. I often find myself staying up way too late, as I unintentionally programmed myself to be more productive during night-time. My sleep is inconsistent, and I can feel how it affects my energy, mood, and productivity the next day. However, when I do sleep early and wake up early as a result, I feel on top of the world. So, I’ve decided that sleep is something I’m committed to fixing over the next month. I will try to follow a non-negotiable bedtime and create a calming night-time routine to help wind down—maybe try herbal teas, dim lights, and no screens an hour before bed. I’m also planning to wake up roughly around the same time each morning to reset my body’s internal clock. Sleep is the foundation for everything else; without it, everything feels like an uphill battle. It’s time to reclaim my nights, so I can feel more refreshed and focused during the day. If you have any tips that you can share with me, I would love to hear from you!

The Joy of Tiny Changes

These tips may seem simple, but it’s often the small, consistent changes that have the most significant impact. By incorporating these practices into my daily life, I’ve found that my “bleh” days are fewer and farther between. It’s not about never feeling down again—it’s about having the tools to rise above it and find joy, even on the toughest days.

Ready to break free from your own “bleh” state? Start by choosing one tip from this list and give it a try. Let me know in the comments how it works for you, or share your favorite tips for living more joyously. Let's lift each other up and create a community where joy is the norm, not the exception.

Until next time!

Your truly,



From Chaos to Clarity: My Journey into Minimalism